10 Must-Know Japanese Concept That Will Improve Your Life

Oubaitori Never compare yourself. Everyone blossoms in their own time in different ways. Don’t judge yourself by someone else’s path. Kaizen Continuously improve. Constantly strive to improve across all areas of your life. Small changes accumulate and make all the difference. Wabi-sabi Embrace imperfection. Nothing lasts, nothing is complete. Accept your own flaws and those of others. Find beauty in imperfection. Mottainai Don’t be wasteful. Everything deserves respect and gratitude....

July 7, 2023

11 Soft Skills To Accelerate Your Career

Hard skills get you hired. But soft skills get you promoted. 11 soft skills to accelerate your career: Communication Listen without interrupting. Speak with a positive tone. Pay attention to your body language. Persuasion Identify what other people care about. Create stories that resonate with them. Communicate those stories with brevity and emotion. Negotiation Listen carefully. Understand what the other side wants. Know your worth. Then propose solutions that benefit both sides....

July 7, 2023

Green Flags In A Relationship

We’ll figure it out together. I can make time. Text me when you’re home. Drive safe. Being weird together. Ruin my sleep schedule to talk to you. Copied from https://www.instagram.com/p/CrTvku4OVe_/ for my own learning.

July 7, 2023

It's Okay And Some

It’s okay to let some people leave. I lost myself trying to fix you. We’re all weak for someone. Trust me, I will never come into your life if you feel better without me. Don’t worry about me, I can act like I’m okay. I was hurt too, but I’m always silent. Be real but never try to prove it. Copied from https://www.instagram.com/p/CrYQwc3JnJd/ for my own learning.

July 7, 2023